Sunday, April 1, 2007

Week 7- Other People's Insight

Hi there again everybody. We are now coming to the end of Week 7. Last Monday, Amanda sent us all a list of extra readings we could do to familiarize ourselves with other writers and their material and their thoughts on how the library is evolving with "Learning "Library" 2.0". I decided that I would undetake this exercise because I could use all the help I can get and I would also like to get ideas on what people outside of McMaster are thinking. I decided to read "Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries" by Jack M. Maness. It defines "Library 2.0" and the changing Web and the changing environment (physical and virtual) and the substantial implications for libraries. The article provided me with much needed background information (some of with I already new, but needed a refresher on) and it provided me with the new keywords which I am being exposed to here at Mac - ie. Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Blog, Wikii, Social Networking, RSS, Tagging etc. The author states that the Web has really become a very interactive, multimedia driven virtual space. He says that the users and libraries can interact in this virtual world and create their own content. What I found really revolutionary was his bold thinking that Library 2.0 will open up not only access to the libraries catalogue and its collections but access to its content. - WOW!!!
On a lighter note - we rented the new Casino Royale DVD starring Daniel Craig as the latest 007. It was fantastic. Very fast pace and exciting. What was really entertaining was how they used computers, cells and other techno gear to inflitrate the "bad guys" - good stuff - I highly recommend it. All for now - finally.


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