Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Week 12 - The Finale

I've been waiting for Amanda to give us the "go ahead" for Week 12 - to blog our thoughts about Learning 2.0@Mac. When we started these groups way back in February with great anticipation and great motivation (MP3 Players and maybe a laptop), I thought this day would never come. I found some of the exercises arduous and depressing (must have been the cold, long, dark, bleak winter days) . I didn't know why I had joined. I agonized over some of the assignments, but I persevered. I always completed the weekly assignments before the new lessons began. I often thought of the folks on the 5th floor who were experiencing Fiscal Year End (April 30) and wondered how they were managing. (A word of advice- some depts. have difficulty participating and completing these exercises due to extremely important deadlines. Better to have 6 weeks of activities and not around "busy" times - also not at Christmas).

My very favourite activity was creating my very own Blog. I screwed up initially because after I had created it, I couldn't remember my password so I had to create a new one. (great experience). I had heard so much about blogging, had seen peoples' blogs but had no idea how to even begin, or why I should even bother creating one.
I needed to join Learning 2.0@Mac ,to be guided through it (ever so gently), taking one baby step at a time. I enjoyed signing up on Facebook(my kids asked if they could be my friends), exploring MySpace, trying out a few games, downloading Firefox and exploring the add-ons. All 11 weeks where invaluable! My team leader, Alex was very patient as he guided me through some of the steps. I think everyone benefited greatly with the very generous "drop-in" sessions for those of us needing "human contact". I think some of us would become more comfortable with the technologies we were exposed to, if we found it necessary to incorporate them into our everyday duties. Otherwise we learn them, don't use them and then forget about them.

I would definitely consider joining another discovery programme if it were offered in the future. However, I don't think it should be so lengthy. Also, you should consider offering sessions to staff in the Wong Room (everyone would have hands-on) whenever new software is acquired or going to be widely used. Many staff members, because of our job responsibilities are not aware or don't have access to what's "out-there".

Thank you again to the ETG for putting this on - especially Amanda, Alex and Kelly (for giving us 2 "live"demos.). The tools that I have been exposed to are only a small part of opening up a world I was way too timid to explore. Please continue this great work!
